A big focus for us at all times along the project journey is to always be ahead of the game, in order to build quickly. When we are able to do so, everybody wins. Our clients get their homes faster, and invariably at a lower cost, because time on site is money each week longer that we are there. Our designers spend less time in meetings and drawing/detailing the project, and can get on to their next project faster, as can we, and our subbies and suppliers.
Without the right information at hand, projects can quickly slow down or even stop, whilst waiting for instructions. Things can be done incorrectly, and be required to be done twice. We also need to always consider lead times for design and fabrication of elements of the building, or long lead times on deliveries from overseas suppliers.
Moving slowly and steadily forward, looking as far ahead as we can possibly do, but without rushing or increasing the risk to safety or quality, we simply try and make the process as smooth as possible. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.
At the end of the day, it comes down to having a culture amongst our whole project team of relentlessly and obsessively seeking to know what we don’t know, as early as possible, so that we have as much time as possible to help our stakeholders give us the required details, before we need to know them!